A Discourse-Pragmatic Analysis of Instagram Comments on Educational Post
Pragmatic Analysis, Discourse Analysis, Instagram, Comments, Educational video.Abstract
This study analyzes the aspects of pragmatic analysis and discourse analysis of educational post on Instagram, focusing on the comments of this post by examining 3comments from @jayfujiwara British account, distributed three communicative functions. This study aims to examine communicative functions, the theory of implicature, inference and attitude based on appraisal theory through the branches of attitude, which are affect, judgment and appreciation. The main purpose of this study is to understand the analytical diversities on instagram for educational post.
Comments are classified as observed adhering to Grice's cooperative principle, and non-observed as flouting Grice's maxims, in addition to distinguishing between negative and positive comments according to their attitude, presenting different viewpoints and how users can interact.
The results suggested that there are important differences among British commenters react to and behave with this educational post. This study contributes to understanding the communication on social media platforms and highlights the importance of considering linguistic facts in discourse and pragmatic studies.
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