Author Guidance

Author Guidelines

Authors are required to adhere to the publication instructions and writing style of the journal. They should ensure the availability of the standards of rigorous research, with a clear research objective, precise presentation of results, and a discussion that achieves the research goals using objective research methods. The research should be well-referenced with recent academic sources. The research should not include results from other studies without proper acknowledgment.

Please follow the following paragraphs when submitting your research to Al Noor Journal for Humanities:

- Papers that do not meet all of these requirements will not be published.

- The research has not been previously submitted or published in any other journal.

- Any work or text by other authors, contributors, or sources (including websites) should be appropriately cited and documented.

- Ensure the correctness of the research language before submission.

- The submitted work represents the authors' own work and has not been copied or imitated in whole or in part from other works without clear attribution.

- In case of discovering an error or inaccuracy in a specific matter in the research submitted for publication, it is the researcher's duty to immediately inform the journal editor to cooperate in withdrawing or correcting the research.

- Submit the research using the online submission procedures.

- Submitting more than one research at a time is a breach of publishing ethics.

- The research title should be in both English and Arabic.

- The author's name in both English and Arabic, their academic degree, qualifications, scientific specialization, and place of work.

- Official email for each author and telephone number.

- Two abstracts, one in Arabic and the other in English, font size 12. Each abstract should summarize the entire research concisely, containing no more than 200 and no fewer than 500 words, with no references, figures, or tables.

- Keywords in both Arabic and English, not less than 3 and not more than 5, listed alphabetically.

- Introduction: At the beginning of the research, after the abstract.

- Conclusions, recommendations, and the conclusion section: These should be available within the scientific methodology of the research and should be briefly mentioned within the research abstract.

- Properly document sources and references within the research text according to the APA Style (Author's last name or title, publication year, and page number).

- The number of research pages should not exceed 25 pages, and should not be less than 10 pages, excluding references, using A4 size paper.

- The research should be printed using Microsoft Office Word, and charts and figures (if any) should be appropriately placed within the research. They should be of high quality for printing. Do not include symbols inside the research.


The researcher should adhere to the following font types and sizes:

- Arabic: Simplified Arabic, font size 14.

- English: Times New Roman, font size 16, abstract (font 12). All other research pages should be in font size 14.

- Use word processing within Microsoft Office Word.

- The number of lines should not exceed 30 lines per page, with a 1 cm line spacing.

- The researcher will be informed of the publishing decision within a maximum of two months from the date of receipt by the journal.

- The researcher should comply with the modifications made by the experts in the research according to the reports sent to them. This should be done within a period not exceeding 15 days.


The documentation of sources and references should follow the APA Style as follows:

A - Book: Author's last name or family name, first name of the author (year of publication), title of the book in italics, publishing house, city of publication.

B - Scientific Journal: Author's last name or family name, first name of the author. (year of publication), title of the article in italics, volume, date of publication, page.

C - Theses - University: Author's last name or family name, first name of the author (year of publication), title of the research in italics, type (Master's thesis, doctoral dissertation) in (specialization), presented and approved by the University of (University Name), date, page.

D - Online article: Author's name, (year of publication), title of the article in italics, the link. (link) in full by copying and pasting with the date of access on the website.


The journal will not publish research that violates any of these conditions.