The Scientific Miracle in Fingerprints and Human Identity
Keywords: Miracle, Science, The Qur’an, Fingerprints, Personality, Identity.Abstract
The Holy Qur’an addresses the topic of fingerprints and fingertips in an amazing way. the Holy Qur’an refers to fingerprints in Surat Al-Qiyamah Allah The Almighty said: (Yes. [We are] Able [even] to proportion his fingertips.), and in this verse there is a reference to the Qur’anic scientific miracle. Anatomists and Geologists have found that fingerprints and and fingertips are created by Allah The Almighty in the best manner and gave them a personal identity, which is the fingerprint that is not identical to any other fingerprint. The fingerprint, which is part of the skin of the fingers, arouses astonishment in the precision and mastery of its creation. In it, one see the great power of Allah The Almighty to make fingerprint different from one finger to another in one hand, then how about billions of people on the planet?. It is a reminder of Allah The Almighty’s saying: "We have certainly created man in the best of stature". Therefore, criminal investigators and security officers use it to identify the identities of the perpetrators. Furthermore, government agencies use it to prove the individual’s identity, and all of this is from the grace of Allah The Almighty upon humanity.
Keywords: Miracle, Science, The Qur’an, Fingerprints, Personality, Identity.
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