A Comparative Study of PECS and Educational Bonds Strategies in Developing First Grade Intermediate Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills
Keywords: (PECS) (Educational bonds) (Problem solving skills)Abstract
The research aims to identify the comparison of the strategies of PECS and educational bonds in the acquisition of first-year intermediate students’ mathematical problem-solving skills. A sample of (60) first-year intermediate students was chosen, who were chosen intentionally from (Al-Futwa Middle School for Boys) from among the schools of the research community in the district. Al-Hamdaniya / Nineveh Governorate for the academic year (2023-2024). After that, the researchers distributed the sample members into two experimental groups that were equivalent in a number of variables. The first numbered (31) students who studied the mathematics subject specified in the experiment according to the PECS strategy, while the number of Students in the second experimental group (29 students) studied the same subject according to the educational bonds strategy. The research also required preparing a test for mathematical problem-solving skills in the form of specific-answer essay questions. The researchers verified its validity, psychometric properties, and reliability, which reached a percentage of (0.78), which is an acceptable reliability percentage. In non-standardized cognitive tests, the test is now ready to be applied to members of the main sample, consisting of (5) specific-answer essay items with a range of (0-62) degrees.
After the researchers completed the requirements for conducting the experiment, the first researcher implemented it himself by teaching the two strategies in the first semester on Sunday (10/15/2023) for the two research groups according to the study plans drawn up for that, and the experiment continued until Thursday (1/11/2024). Then a posttest of mathematical problem solving skills was applied to the two research groups on (1/16/2024), and after collecting the data, it was statistically analyzed using the t-test for two independent samples (t-test) that were not equal in number, in addition to calculating the Eta square (effect size), and it was The result is as follows:
There is a statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the average acquisition of the skills of the members of the first and second experimental research groups in solving mathematical problems, in favor of the first experimental group, which was studied using the PECS strategy.
In light of the results, the researchers came out with a number of conclusions and made a number of recommendations, in addition to proposing a number of titles for future studies.
Keywords: (PECS) (Educational bonds) (Problem solving skills)
المصادر والمراجع
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