A Linguistic Analysis of two Versatile Verbs “’ata “ and “’akhatha “ in the Glorious Qur’an with Reference to Their Realizations in English





Versatile verbs, the verb 'ata, the verb 'akhatha


This study investigates the different morphological patterns, syntactic structures and meanings of the versatile verbs “أتى” (to come) and “أخذ “ (to take). This study analyses these verbs linguistically providing a holistic view of the usage and versatility of these verbs within the Qur’anic texts. A qualitative approach is used to analyze data. This study aims to investigate the influence of the context on the morphological forms, the syntactic patterns and different meanings of these verbs. Furthermore, it aims to investigate how the translators transfer linguistic characteristics of these verbs into English. To achieve the aims of the study, the researcher adopts an eclectic model. accordingly, two verbs are chosen as the study sample. The main findings of this are as follow: firstly, the verb “اتى” is considered versatile in accordance to both its meanings and syntactic structures; that is, it has different meanings and different syntactic structures. The verb “أخذ” is considered versatile due to its meanings only, that is, it has different meanings with fixed syntactic structure (it is transitive in all the selected ’Ayahs). Secondly, all the different meanings are considered polysemous senses to the same selected roots. Thirdly, the context is the most effective factor that makes these verbs versatile. Finally, concerning the renderings of the selected Arabic verbs into the TL, it is concluded that sometimes translators have taken the context into account and have rendered some of these verbs into the equivalently TL. Some other times, they do not render these verbs equally. 



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Author Biography

  • Abdullah jasim, كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانيه جامعة تكريت

    M.A. Student 



Glorious Qur’an

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How to Cite

A Linguistic Analysis of two Versatile Verbs “’ata “ and “’akhatha “ in the Glorious Qur’an with Reference to Their Realizations in English. (2025). Al-Noor Journal for Humanities, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.69513/jnfh.v2.n4.en4

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