The Articulation of Counter-Resistance in Muin Bseiso’s “Footsteps”


  • Lect. Mahmood Rakan Ahmed University of Mosul, College of Education for Humanities, Department of English Author



Resistance Literature, Gaza, Counter-hegemonic ideological productions, Gramsci, Organic Intellectual.



  The present paper argues that Bseiso’s “Footsteps” is a counter-hegemonic ideological poem. Bseiso employs powerful rhetorical patterns in order to subvert the hegemonic and ideological concepts practiced and promulgated by the Zionist occupation. It also proves that “Footsteps” challenges Zionist colonial and imperial narratives and instills the Palestinian resistance poetry into the core of the national struggle against the Zionist tyranny and injustice.

It also proves Bseiso is an organic intellectual in Gramscian terms.


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Author Biography

  • Lect. Mahmood Rakan Ahmed, University of Mosul, College of Education for Humanities, Department of English

    Lect. Mahmood Rakan Ahmed


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How to Cite

The Articulation of Counter-Resistance in Muin Bseiso’s “Footsteps”. (2024). Al-Noor Journal for Humanities, 2(3).

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