The Poem "Don't Knock on the Door" by Dr. Jassim Mohammed Jassim Al-Ajja: A Stylistic Study


  • Asst. Lect. Muhammad Dawoud Hindi Faraj General Directorate of Education in Nineveh Governorate Author



poem, style, stylistics, analysis, method, focus, poet.


Stylistics, or the science of style, is considered one of the most essential tools for analyzing literary texts in contemporary criticism. It serves as an effective means of approaching texts by providing readers with various procedural techniques that allow them to enter the intricate world of the text. These techniques enable critical creativity that holds equal importance to the literary creativity of the work itself. The poet and critic Dr. Jassim Mohammed Jassim Al-Ajja was selected as the focus of this research due to the coherent artistic techniques prevalent in his poetry, his strong linguistic command, poetic sensibility, and refined style. This research aims to study the stylistic elements in his collection A Sky That Means Not Its Clouds by analyzing the texts, clarifying their artistic and aesthetic dimensions, and uncovering the underlying meanings and implications. The research is structured around three main axes. The first axis introduces the concept of style and stylistics, both linguistically and terminologically. The second axis explores the biography and creative contributions of Dr. Jassim Mohammed Jassim Al-Ajja. The third axis presents the research sample and provides a stylistic analysis of the poem "Don't Knock on the Door."


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How to Cite

The Poem "Don’t Knock on the Door" by Dr. Jassim Mohammed Jassim Al-Ajja: A Stylistic Study. (2024). Al-Noor Journal for Humanities, 1(3).

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