Translation of Arabic Novel "American Granddaughter" into English: Cognitive Scripts Theory


  • Prof. Dr. Mohammed Nihad Ahmed University of Mosul – College of Arts Dept. Of Translation Author



cognitive scripts theory CST, cognitive narratology, mental representations, reception in translation


Abstract The aim of this research is to understand cognitive methods for translation analysis. It looks at using Cognitive Script Theory (CST) as a framework to examine how the Arabic novel "American Granddaughter" is translated into English. According to the Cognitive Script Theory, translators have mental scripts - representations of commonplace occurrences or activities - that help them comprehend and interpret a variety of circumstances. The novel "American Granddaughter by Inaam Kachachi" is an engaging story of family relationships, cultural identity, and tensions across generations. This study uses Cognitive Script Theory to investigate how the translator resolves the emotional and cultural difficulties presented by the SL to accurately translate the story into (TT). © THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE. By identifying the underlying scripts in the original novel and their cultural implications, the translator preserves or adapts these scripts to ensure communicative effectiveness in the TL audience. The study involves (6) longer texts collected randomly from the above-mentioned novel and tabulated according to the model of Cognitive Scripts of Reception in Translation (Kruger, 2016). Hence, this paper deals with the role of cognitive scripts in shaping the translation process through setting descriptions, and cultural references to maintain the essence of the ST while resonating with the target audience's cultural norms and expectations. Through qualitative analysis, including textual analysis with the translation, the findings provide valuable insights into the dynamic interplay between Cognitive Script Theory and the translation of literary work, particularly those that carry complex cultural themes and motifs.


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How to Cite

Translation of Arabic Novel "American Granddaughter" into English: Cognitive Scripts Theory. (2024). Al-Noor Journal for Humanities, 2(2).

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