Translating Metaphorical Expressions in Churchill’s Diary from English into Arabic


  • . Prof. Mohammed Nihad Ahmed (PhD) University of Mosul College of Arts Dept. of Translation Author
  • Ashraf Abdul Razzaq Saeed Al-Hasso Researcher University of Mosul College of Arts Dept. of Translation Author



Metaphor, Conceptual Metaphor, Diaries, Churchill, Metaphorical Expression


This study examines the challenges and solutions for translating English metaphors into Arabic in Winston Churchill's diaries. In Churchill's writing, metaphors are important rhetorical devices that elicit metaphoricity and help to communicate difficult concepts. However, due to the fact that Arabic and English have different linguistic standards, cultural contexts, and linguistic structures, translating these metaphorical terms poses special challenges. This study investigates the different translation procedures used by translators to convey meaning and effect of metaphors while maintaining their rhetorical impact in the target language by drawing on theories of metaphor translation and cross-cultural communication. This study examines the common problems encountered in translating metaphors and investigates the efficacy of various translation techniques in capturing the subtleties of meaning and cultural connotations inherent in metaphorical expressions. © THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE. To achieve this, a qualitative analysis of eight passages taken from Churchill's diary and their Arabic translations is conducted. The results provide insights on how to translate Churchill's unique writing style into Arabic while preserving the rhetorical and expressive elements of the source text, illuminating the intricate relationship between language, culture, and metaphor in translation. This study contributes to the understanding of metaphor translation and emphasizes the value of linguistic innovation and cultural sensitivity in overcoming source and target language gaps in literary translation.


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Author Biographies


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How to Cite

Translating Metaphorical Expressions in Churchill’s Diary from English into Arabic. (2024). Al-Noor Journal for Humanities, 2(2).