Alienation in the Novel "Musamarat Jisr Bzeibiz" by Shaker Al-Anbari
Keywords: Alienation, Novel, Musamarat Jisr Bzeibiz, Shaker Al-Anbari##article.abstract##
The concept of alienation has gained great importance in the modern era because it falls within the scope of contemporary concepts in psychology and sociology; as it addresses the most important issues related to the human self in the present time, which has been notably reflected in the narrative works. The writer tries to draw his vision of the world with all its constraints and accumulations that overwhelm him and distance him from realizing his true self and identity. The use of alienation was not employed as a self-defeating act randomly or spontaneously. Rather, to violate and plunder everything related to the human self. Thus, it elevates this work to high levels of narrative creativity that seem evident. Many Iraqi and Arab novels in the modern era are full of this style and they are distinguished and full of alienation as it is a fertile field that illustrates the magnitude of the catastrophe suffered by Arab citizens, especially the Iraqis. The novel "Musamarat Jisr Bzeibiz" was a rich example filled with various examples that motivated me to delve into the depths of these texts. The current research presents an introduction that explains the precise definition of the term alienation. The first chapter is entitled "alienation of identity" which is considered one of the most dangerous types of alienation, as it is considered the loss of one's self and his loss of the most prominent characteristics of a decent life. While the second section focuses on the cognitive alienation which concern human essence and existence. Finally, the third chapter is entitled "temporal alienation and the presence of memory" because memory has a major role in retrieving and restoring events as required according to the context of the text.
Keywords: Alienation, Novel, Musamarat Jisr Bzeibiz, Shaker Al-Anbari
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