Identification in Divine Love Poetry: Ibn Al-Faridh as a Model


  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Saad Hamad Younus Mosul University Author



Keywords: Identification, Divine Love, Ibn Al-Faridh, Separation, Connection.



Divine love is exceptional and it is based on divine revelation, solitude, and divine manifestation and it is dedicated solely to the Divine essense. It purifies the soul and distances oneself from the pleasures adornments, and joys of this world. It is characterised by submission, advancement, faith, and obedience as a result of love, not fear. The poet Ibn Al-Faridh was called "Sultan of Lovers" due to his divine love and adoration, which distanced him from extremism and led him to comply with Allah’s commands in the Holly Qur’an for loving Allah, obeying Him and obeying His commands. The current research is composed of single chapter entitled: "Identification in Divine Love at Separation and Connection Levels" due to the breadth of the topic, and one study cannot cover it. In this research, it becomes clear that when the poet is separated from people, he connects with his Creator with love and longing.

Keywords: Identification, Divine Love, Ibn Al-Faridh, Separation, Connection.


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How to Cite

Identification in Divine Love Poetry: Ibn Al-Faridh as a Model . (2024). Al-Noor Journal for Humanities, 1(2).

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