Intellectual Dialogue and its Role in Promoting Societal Peace: A Social-analytical Study


  • Prof. Dr. Reem Ayoub Muhammad Author
  • Asst. Lect. Hind Ziyad Muhammad Mosul University Author




Intellectual dialogue is a means to a higher goal, which is achieving rapprochement between different cultures and avoiding differences that lead to conflicts, wars and extremism. It functions as a mechanism or means to bridge divergent viewpoints and achieve communication and understanding between among coexisting groups, in the same place or across different regions. This is because the absence of cultural dialogue leads to the fragmentation societal unity and the social fabric. The rational behind lies in the fact that every culture has a way of life, customs and traditions that contribute to the formation of a special cultural framework and self-isolation, consequently leading to the fragmentation of the shared framework, which is the society or the state.  Intellectual dialogue promotes the recognition of the legitimacy of all cultures existing in society, develops the spirit of peace and societal coexistence among diverse groups and minorities, endeavors to identify the customs, values ​​and traditions of other cultures, and achieves equality and freedoms between all cultures existing within society and mutual respect between different cultures. It is not possible to imagine a true cultural dialogue without recognition of the principle of cultural diversity, as cultural diversity is an essential factor for mutual understanding, peaceful coexistence, progress in economic and social spheres, and protecting the heritage of all peoples whose intellectual, cultural and civilizational heritage is exposed to attempts to distortion, falsification, obliteration, and destruction .On the other hand, cultural diversity, which is a right of peoples, an innate nature in humans, a nature in life, and a rule in the universe, requires rapprochement between cultures. Hence, diversity is a reason for rapprochement, unlike closure, which leads to contraction resulting in the atrophy of cultures and the fall of civilizations.[1]


[1] Ibn Manzur, Dictionary of Lisan al-Arab, Dar Sader, Lebanon-Beirut, 1414.


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القرآن الكريم

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The Holy Quran

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How to Cite

Intellectual Dialogue and its Role in Promoting Societal Peace: A Social-analytical Study. (2024). Al-Noor Journal for Humanities, 1(1), 67-86.

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