Mimicry and Multiculturalism from Colonial and Postcolonial Perspective in Rudyard Kipling’s ''Kim'' and Arundhati Roy’s ''The God of Small Thing''


  • Assist Lect. Rakan Assi Khalaf Alnoor University / College of Education – Department of English, Mosul,Iraq Author




Keywords: Colonialism; Postcolonialism; Mimicry; Multiculturalism.



This paper analyzes the mimicry, multiculturalism, the role of race, and the impacts of cultural colonialism on the inhabitants of India in Rudyard Kipling’s ''Kim'' and Arundhati ''Roy’s The God of Small Things'', highlighting colonial and postcolonial perspectives. Colonialism had diverse effects on the lives of the colonialized people. The researcher utilizes a qualitative analysis method to conduct this study and achieve its objectives. At the beginning, introductory notes about novels and novelists are given. Further, colonial and postcolonial concepts of multiculturalism and mimicry are elaborated. The findings of the study conclude that multiculturalism and mimicry hints are in abundance in both novels, which give rise to the issue of race and identity in the lives of the Indians. The effects of colonialism arouse the division between the white and the black, class and race between Indians and British on the one hand, and within classes in India on the other hand i.e. amidst touchable and untouchable within the same context and culture among Indians.


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How to Cite

Mimicry and Multiculturalism from Colonial and Postcolonial Perspective in Rudyard Kipling’s ’’Kim’’ and Arundhati Roy’s ’’The God of Small Thing’’. (2024). Al-Noor Journal for Humanities, 1(1), 86-120. https://doi.org/10.69513/jnfh.v1.i1.a7

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