دليل المقيمين

Reviewers Guidelines

The primary task of the scientific reviewer for submitted research for publication is to read the research, which falls within their scientific specialization, with great care and to evaluate it from an academic scientific perspective without any personal opinions. The reviewer should record their constructive and honest comments about the submitted research.

Before starting the review process, the reviewer should ensure whether the submitted research falls within their scientific specialization or not.

If the research falls within their scientific specialization, does the reviewer have sufficient time to complete the review process, as the review should not exceed ten days?

After the reviewer agrees to conduct the review and completes it within the specified period, please conduct the review according to the following guidelines:

  • Indicate whether the research abstract clearly describes the content and idea of the research.
  • Does the introduction in the research accurately explain what the author wants to achieve and clarify, and has the author identified the problem they studied?
  • Discuss whether the author presents the results they reached in their research in a scientific and convincing manner.
  • The review process should be conducted confidentially, and the author should not be informed of any part of it.
  • If the reviewer wants to discuss the research with another reviewer, they must inform the editor-in-chief.
  • There should be no direct correspondence and discussions between the reviewer and the author regarding the submitted research. The reviewer's comments should be sent to the author through the journal's managing editor.
  • If the reviewer finds that the research is plagiarized from previous studies, they must inform the editor-in-chief of those studies.
  • The reviewer's scientific comments and recommendations will primarily determine whether the research will be accepted for publication or not. The reviewer should precisely indicate the sections that need minor edits, which can be done by the editorial board, and those that require substantial modifications that the author must address themselves.
  • Is the research original and significant enough to warrant publication in the journal?
  • Does the research comply with the journal's general policy and publication guidelines?
  • Has the research idea been addressed in previous studies? If so, please refer to those studies.
  • To what extent does the research title reflect the research itself and its content?