Publication Guidelines for Al-Noor Journal for Digital Media Studies

Researchers must adhere to the journal's established publication guidelines, including the research methodology, originality, proper citation, and precision in referencing. The research should avoid unnecessary repetition, generalizations, and biases not supported by a solid knowledge base or prior research. It should meet rigorous research standards with clear objectives, precise results, and objective methodologies. The research must be supported by recent scientific references and should not include results from other studies as this is considered unacceptable behavior.

When submitting a manuscript to Al-Noor Journal for Digital Media Studies, please follow these guidelines:

  1. General Submission Rules:
    • The research must not have been submitted or published elsewhere.
    • Any work or text from other authors, contributors, or sources (including websites) must be appropriately cited and referenced.
    • Ensure the manuscript is linguistically correct before submission.
    • Submitted work should represent the authors’ own research and not be copied or plagiarized from other sources without clear acknowledgment.
    • If any errors or inaccuracies are discovered in the submitted research, the researcher must promptly notify the editor-in-chief to cooperate in withdrawing or correcting the manuscript.
    • Submit the research through the online submission process.
    • Submitting multiple papers simultaneously is considered a breach of publishing ethics.
    • Include the research title in both English and Arabic.
    • Provide the author’s name in both English and Arabic, their academic qualifications, specialization, and affiliation.
    • Provide the official email address and phone number for each author.
    • Include two abstracts, one in Arabic and one in English, using font size 12. The abstract should be scientifically and methodologically accurate, with a length of 200 to 500 words, summarizing the entire research. It should not contain references, figures, or tables.
    • Provide keywords in both Arabic and English, with a minimum of three and a maximum of five, listed alphabetically.
    • Include the introduction at the beginning of the paper after the abstract.
    • Include conclusions, recommendations, and the conclusion section in the research, summarized in the paper’s abstract.
    • Cite sources and references within the text according to APA style: author’s last name, publication year, and page number.
    • The manuscript should be between 10 and 25 pages, excluding references.
    • Use Microsoft Office Word for formatting and place any figures or charts appropriately. Ensure they are print-ready and avoid including symbols in the text.
    • Adhere to font types and sizes as follows: Arabic (Simplified Arabic) size 14, English (Times New Roman) size 16 for the main text and size 12 for abstracts. All other pages should use size 14.
    • Use Microsoft Office Word's text processor.
    • The text should not exceed 30 lines per page, with a line spacing of 1 cm.
    • Authors will be notified of the publication decision within two months of submission.
    • Authors must comply with revisions suggested by reviewers based on the reports received, within a period of 15 days.

Citation Style:

  • Books: Author's last name, First name (Year of publication). Title of the book, Publisher, City of publication.
  • Journals: Author's last name, First name (Year of publication). Title of the article, Issue number, Date of publication, Page numbers.
  • Theses: Author's last name, First name (Year of publication). Title of the thesis, Master's thesis or Ph.D. dissertation, University Name, Date, Page numbers.
  • Online Articles: Author’s last name, First name (Year of publication). Title of the article, URL (link) with the date of access.

The journal does not accept research that does not comply with these guidelines.