Author Guidance

Author Guidance

1. Submission Guidelines

Authors should submit their manuscripts electronically through the Journal website submission system.

JDIFAS Website: [Insert Website Here]

Download Documents:

  1. Manuscript Template (Reviewers version)

  2. Manuscript Template (Revised version)

  3. Title Page

  4. Authors' Guidelines (PDF version)

2. Preparation of Manuscripts

Manuscripts must be submitted in English and written with proper grammar and terminology. The text should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, MS Word format, in one column using letter paper size with the following margins:

  • Top and bottom: 2.98 cm

  • Left: 2 cm

  • Right: 1.61 cm

No line numbers should be applied. Each submission must be unique and receive a single submission ID. Duplicate submissions may result in rejection.

2.1 English Language Writing
Authors whose first language is not English should ensure their manuscript is professionally proofread. JDIFAS does not provide language and copy-editing services; authors are responsible for obtaining such services before submission.

2.2 New Submissions
Manuscripts must be submitted online as a single Word file (*.docx) that includes all text, tables, and figures. Figures and tables should not be separated from the main manuscript.

2.3 References
References must be formatted in JDIFAS style as follows:

Author(s) name(s). Article title. Journal abbreviation. Year; volume(issue): pagination. DOI or URL.

References should be manually formatted in MS Word. Citation software such as Mendeley or EndNote is not accepted. All references must include DOIs or URLs where available.

2.4 Revised Submissions
Revised manuscripts should be submitted in JDIFAS format as a Word document (*.docx). Authors must ensure proper grammar and spell-check their documents. The revised manuscript must include author names, affiliations, emails, and ORCID identifiers.

3. Manuscript Structure

Manuscripts should be structured as follows:

  • Title

  • Abstract

  • Keywords

  • Article Highlights

  • Introduction

  • Materials and Methods

  • Results and Discussion

  • Conclusion

  • Acknowledgements

  • References

3.1 Title
Titles should not exceed 17 words and must avoid location names, abbreviations, and overly technical expressions.

3.2 Abstract
Abstracts should be 150-250 words summarizing the study’s purpose, methods, main findings, and conclusions. Authors whose native language is Arabic should submit an Arabic abstract.

3.3 Keywords
Provide 3-5 keywords in alphabetical order, separated by semicolons. Keywords should not repeat title words or contain abbreviations.

3.4 Highlights
A highlight consists of 3-5 concise points summarizing the study’s key findings.

3.5 Introduction
Provides background information and states the study's aim.

3.6 Materials and Methods
Includes sufficient detail to allow reproducibility. Metric and international units should be used. Statistical methods and software must be specified.

3.7 Results
Presents data clearly. Avoid redundant data in figures and tables.

3.8 Discussion
Provides critical analysis supported by recent references and avoids repetition of results.

3.9 Conclusion
Summarizes key findings without references.

3.10 Acknowledgements
Acknowledges financial support and other contributions. Grant numbers should be included if applicable.

3.11 Conflict of Interest
A mandatory statement must be included:
"The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding this publication."

3.12 References
References must be manually formatted in MS Word and listed in the order of citation. Journal names should be abbreviated per the List of Journals Indexed for MEDLINE.


Journal Article:
Kumar A, Gupta N. Enhancing Digital Innovation in Financial Transactions. Digit Innov Financ Stud. 2020;(5):27–40. DOI:---------

Smith J. Financial Management in the Digital Era. Wiley; 2018. ---- p.

4. Tables and Figures

4.1 Tables
Tables must be embedded within the text. Each table should be numbered sequentially and include a descriptive caption. Do not submit tables as images.

4.2 Figures
Figures must be high-resolution (200-300 dpi) and embedded within the text. Each figure must have a caption placed below it and should be clearly labeled.

5. Final Submission Checklist
Before submitting, ensure:

✅ The manuscript follows JDIFAS guidelines.
✅ The manuscript contains all required sections.
✅ A spell-check has been performed.
✅ All authors agree to submission.
✅ Ethics and plagiarism policies have been reviewed.

For additional information, please visit the JDIFAS website or contact the Editorial Office.

© 2025, Journal of Digital Innovation in Financial and Administrative Studies (JDIFAS)